It has been an incredibly busy few weeks since the last time I blogged. First, today is day 43 smoke free. For non-smokers, I'm sure you are thinking, "Great, you are over it," for those who are former smokers you know what a huge deal it is. I assisted with our companies 3 year Luau celebration on Friday and stood out on or smoking patio grilling 600+ hamburgers and hotdogs on 5 charcoal grills and never once thought about smoking.
Second busy item, our praise and worship team at my church has gone through a lot of changes over the past few months so they decided to celebrate a "coming out" with a concert on Saturday. I did the sound for them so many, many rehearsals and of course the big event. The concert went really, really well. We had visiting singers from other churches in the tri-state area. One in particular, Rev. Greg McGraw from St. Jude's in Wilmington, VA has a phenomenal voice. Beautiful tenor that was amazing to listen to.
All things told, I've been so busy at work and home I haven't had time to really even lurk and read anyone elses and I haven't been commenting either.
Oh well, I had a break tonight and thought I would pop on.
We are moving at the end of September. No more crazy downstairs neighbors. Right now we have put in our notice and are searching for the next place to live. I pray all goes well and smoothly. It can be tough to find a nice place at the right size and price that likes cats.
Power is everywhere
*Plugged inLondon, ONMarch 2025This photo originally shared on Instagram*
I’m just weird enough that I stop what I’m doing to look more closely at
1 day ago