Boy have I been negligent on my blogging this month. It has been a busy two weeks.
The kittens are doing really well (new photos to follow soon). All five are healthy and named so we can keep track of them and we have 2 definite homes and 2 possible homes so far.
From oldest to youngest:
Atlas - orange and white tabby with the wide white stripe. Atlas will cry loudly for mom if he is picked up or if she tries to get out of the nest box for a few. Atlas held the weight of the other four kittens in and is the biggest of the bunch so we thought the name was appropriate.
Spirit -- the smallest of the bunch. Calico with a couple light stripes on her head and a cow spot pattern on her back. Spirit needed some help breathing when she was born and is smaller than the rest. Her weight is starting to catch up though. She has a really sweet disposition and loves to be held and cuddled.
Artemis -- the other orange and white with the thin white neck stripe. Artemis is a lot like his brother, just an ounce or two smaller.
Vision -- the other calico. Vision was the first to open her eyes and is the curious one in the bunch, already ranging away from her mom a little further than the others. Also very sweet and seems to be figuring out the walking thing first. Darker calico pattern on her back almost like a brown and black quilt.
Spitfire - the last out and came out with attitude. She speaks her mind and gets her way and is almost as big as the boys. Spitfire is a tortoise shell tiger striped calico.
Erie has been doing its regular weather switch-a-roo. 70 degrees on Tuesday the 13th and then a foot of snow for St. Patrick's day and a high in the low 20's.
On Tuesday, I talked the roommate into going for a bike ride. We pulled out the bicycles, pumped up the tires and took off. At the end of our road, right in the intersection, the roomie took a header off the bike when the front breaks locked and landed on her face. She broke her nose, which was just fixed a year and a half ago from previous breaks. So, off to the hospital in the ambulance we go.
She is ok, the break was clean and no major concussion or other issues. We also learned how great our neighbors actually are. Yes, there were the rubberneckers, but 99% of the people driving by or walking, stopped and asked if we needed help. One lady ran out of her suv to give the roomie kleenexes since the bridge of her nose was bleeding, the neighbor ran out with wet washcloths and stored our bikes when the ambulance arrived, a third neighbor turned out to be one of the local volunteer paramedics. Jim K. was a wonderful man in a beautiful business suit and not afraid to get down on the muddy side of the road with a great sense of humor and a quick eye to help.
The roomie didn't loose her sense of humor either. In the ambulance the driver stated he was going to run without lights and siren since she wasn't in imminent danger of death. She replied, "I'm paying all this money for this ride...I want the bells and whistles." so he obliged for a few blocks.
And here she was arguing with me that she didn't want to bring her id on a bike ride...
These are the highlights of the past two weeks. There is soooo much more but I'll have to catch up later.
Power is everywhere
*Plugged inLondon, ONMarch 2025This photo originally shared on Instagram*
I’m just weird enough that I stop what I’m doing to look more closely at
2 days ago
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