Tara and I along with the roommate took a drive to Lily Dale on Friday 7/6/07. This was there first trip there and my third. Lily Dale is a Spiritualist community that has existed for 128 years. The residence are all trained and sanctioned mediums. It is its own gated community where outsiders are welcomed however, you do pay a fee to get through the gates. The fee goes toward upkeep and equipment for their fire department so I can't really complain. You can actually make an appointment with a medium or just walk around the grounds and go to various Message Services to possibly hear from someone on the other side.
One thing I truly love about Lily Dale is how peaceful the area is. There is a Old World virgin forest surrounding it and some of the meeting areas are within the forest. the whole place seems to settle peace over you.
We went to various message services and throughout the day the roommate and I received 2 messages. Mine were very positive and bright and quite accurate. Hers had a lot of hope and the one medium really hit home on some issues for her. The most fun for me though was running into an old friend. Janice Dreshman. Janice was the crisis counselor at my high school and I haven't seen her in 13 years. I was involved in a lot of the programs she ran and she was one of those bright spots in a school faculty. Someone who really cared about the students.
When a message service is happening there is a person who facilitates and the facilitator calls on various mediums: student mediums, registered mediums and guest mediums, to come forward and bring a message to 2-4 different people. Each service lasts an hour. At the message service at the Forest Temple the hour was winding up, I had received a message and the facilitator called the last medium, Janice Dreshman. My head whipped around and sure enough, here comes my old high school's crisis councilor. She didn't pick any of us but after the service concluded I quickly caught up with her and said, "Janice!" she turned and looked and all I had to say was, "Hopewell" and the light bulb went off. I look very different from when I was in high school so give her credit. We spent a few minutes catching up and then she went back to her house and we went on to the next service. Janice is now a registered medium! Pretty wild.
At the end of the day we went to Bob Evans in Fredonia, NY. On our way out Tara and I talked about the fact that she didn't get picked in the services but she was pretty good with that. We sit down to eat and a husband, wife and 2 daughters were sitting across from us. They kept looking at Tara. Right after our food came the wife finally stands up comes over and says to Tara, "I don't normally do this and I'm very sorry to interrupt but I have a message for you." Tara's father was coming in loud and clear to the husband and wife who, it turns out, both live in Lily Dale and are mediums there. The comment from them was that he started bothering them from the time we sat down and while they normally make it a point not to give unsolicited messages, they just couldn't ignore him anymore.
Leave it to Tara to spend all day at a Spiritualist community and then get a message after we leave in a Bob Evans of all places.
It was overall an amazing day and a peaceful recuperative one.
Power is everywhere
*Plugged inLondon, ONMarch 2025This photo originally shared on Instagram*
I’m just weird enough that I stop what I’m doing to look more closely at
2 days ago
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