A few months ago we got one of those nifty cat litter boxes that scoops itself. We left both the new and old litter box out and slowly phased the old one out. The only problem with the new litter box is its size. It was too big to place in the corner of the spare bathroom and between its size and the ability of the cats, specifically Cali, to fling litter when digging, the guest bathroom has not been user friendly for humans.
We had a good thought to put the litter box in the bathtub of the spare bathroom figuring, we don't use the bathtub, the show curtain will keep the flung litter contained and the rest of the facilities would be human friendly. This worked great for us, not so great for Charles Baron. Charles has decided he doesn't like using the litter box in its new location and instead, prefers the carpet by the dining room table....
This really hasn't gone so well for him though in the end I suppose he won...
Charles got the cold shoulder for three days from me and Tara but the litter box is back to taking up the entire bathroom floor in the guest bathroom and I spent three days scrubbing the carpet.
So far the carpet is remaining clean but that bathroom is back to being property of the cats alone.
Power is everywhere
*Plugged inLondon, ONMarch 2025This photo originally shared on Instagram*
I’m just weird enough that I stop what I’m doing to look more closely at
2 days ago
...and the cats probably see nothing wrong with that at all. :lol: