My smallest cat, Cali, a tiger stripped calico with an average weight of 7lbs is an obsessive cleaner. Maybe it comes from the abuse she suffered as a kitten, maybe she's just really fond of cleaning her fur, whatever the cause she will clean her self to injury.
She has been really good for over a year now, keeping her fur clean and neat without balding herself but a few weeks ago she got obsessed with her hind quarters. Now her whole backside is bare and raw and sore. Every time it starts to heal it itches to back to obsessively cleaning she goes. I tried anti itch sprays and antibiotic creams but the end result is the only way to heal her moist dermatitis is to keep her from cleaning it while treating it until the raw skin heals.
So my poor cat is suffering through a week of wearing an Elizabethan collar (the thing that looks like a clear lampshade inverted on her head).
She is REALLY NOT HAPPY WITH ME. I've been making sure I pet her and scritch her ears for her which prompts her to purr at the same time she is giving me the I REALLY DON'T LIKE YOU look. The plus side is the antibiotic cream is working really well and her backside is healing quickly. The downside is she is going to be stuck in that collar for a few more days until the healing is complete otherwise we'll just have to repeat the whole process again.
I'm positive she will find some way to pay me back once that collar comes off for the indignity of having to wear it for a week to 10 days.
Power is everywhere
*Plugged inLondon, ONMarch 2025This photo originally shared on Instagram*
I’m just weird enough that I stop what I’m doing to look more closely at
2 days ago
Awww, poor kitty. I'd hate to think of what Max would do to me if he had to wear one. It would likely involved all-night meowing right next to my head, and running the plastic collar back and forth on the stair rails like a cup on jail bard.