1st This is My 100th Post (WOOHOO!)
Now back to my regularly scheduled blogging. I have lived in North Carolina for just shy of 1 year now and have learned a lot of important history about the local area. In 1999 Hurricane Dennis sat off the coast and dumped a foot of rain on this area. Two weeks later Floyd a category 2 hit head on and added an additional 19 inches of rain. The result? Massive flooding. There were areas of this town completely underwater. Two weeks after Floyd, Irena put some icing on the cake with another 6 inches. They called the flooding from Floyd a 500 year flood...lets hope "they" are right.
We are officially still in a drought however: recently we got a lot of rain from the remnants of Fay (the one that beaned Florida 4 separate times in 4 areas) which has saturated the ground. Tomorrow or Saturday Hanna will hit as a week Category 1 or Tropical Storm adding anywhere from 4 inches to 10 inches of rain...behind Hanna?
Ike a nasty category 4
Ike is looking a little scary right now. He is really too far out to accurately predict beyond next Tuesday however, right now he is looking to follow a similar track to Hanna and ...right up the east coast. If Ike hits I will be further inland than I already live.
We are praying he doesn't get anywhere near us. Hanna is not a big concern...Ike could be.
On an odd side note, I've only ever been in one tropical storm before when I lived on the bay in Pensacola, FL. That one was named Hanna as well. I remember going out to my car and looking out at our little park and thinking, "There are waves between the pine trees." The storm surge had pushed water from the bay up onto land. If you are wondering how I could end up dealing with Hanna six years ago and am now looking at Hanna Reloaded...the National Weather Service reuses storm names in a 6 year cycle. Names are only retired if it ends up being a really major storm with lots of damage (Andrew, Floyd, Katrina, etc. will never be used again).
Praying for the best and preparing for the worst...keep your eyes on the Atlantic for the next week or so...it could be a windy, wet ride.
Power is everywhere
*Plugged inLondon, ONMarch 2025This photo originally shared on Instagram*
I’m just weird enough that I stop what I’m doing to look more closely at
2 days ago
can u leave ur phone number to me???