It is an archetypal scene. The protagonist is on a quest or journey and must cross or go through a swamp. In some cases (the Lord of the Rings) the hero is lead by a guide in others the hero is on his/her own. In almost every case the hero is warned to stay on the path. Don't be drawn down false trails by swamp lights or fairy lights...they will lead you away from the path until you are lost or drown. In most stories there is a point in this journey through the dangerous swamp where the hero or protagonist, despite the warnings, becomes enthralled with the fairy lights and wanders away to a near death experience. (In Frodo's case in Lord of the Rings, he almost drowns before his stalwart friend Samwise pulls him free).
These scenes speak to real life. We are all the protagonists in our own lives. There are times when we know we have to stay a course or walk a certain path and even with this knowledge the fairy lights beckon.
I find "fairy lights" can be a good indicator that you are on the right path. I feel pretty firm with the path I tread right now and today I had a "fairy light" moment. I received a call from a corporation offering consulting positions for training professionals. On the surface it seems like the perfect job for me (bright and shiny objects distract easily). After a few moments of building excitement something told me to take a closer look. As I spoke with the representative from this company I began to see the truth behind the shiny light. This was far from the perfect job. It was a great way to spend a lot of money to get access to resources I could access other ways to be one of 6.000 people on a list that companies could call to consult for them. No guarantees, no regular checks, lots of start up cost. In other words the rep talked a great game but in the end, much like fairly lights, it was all a bunch of hot gas that could have easily lead me down the wrong path and gotten me stuck in the mud or drowning.
This experience reminded me I need to stay clear on my vision and path.
Power is everywhere
*Plugged inLondon, ONMarch 2025This photo originally shared on Instagram*
I’m just weird enough that I stop what I’m doing to look more closely at
2 days ago
Just as the gods used WWII to justify an influx of new technologies so will they use the impending pestilence which kills over half the world's population to justify historical medical advances, including the "cure of aging", initiating the "1000 years with Jesus on Earth".
ReplyDeleteWe've seen this tactic used recently with AIDS, targetted at homosexuals and blacks in Africa.
Then, as promised, The End will come with fire::::Global tectonic subduction.
Don't forget the lessons the 'ole white preacher taught:::Dancing is a sin, spare the rod spoil the child.
The gods used the liberal tool to ridicule away so many taboos, paving the way for the decay of society and ultimately the End Times::::::
Black behavior was controlled by the KKK. Men's behavior was controlled by marriage for thousands of years.
When married by 15 men never gained the taste of promiscuity. Once the gods used the budding liberalism tool the men set the tone for the deteriorating enviornment centered around their gross disfavor.
Women's relinquishing control of pre-arranged marriage will be what costs mankind everything in The End. It's all their fault. Men are pigs, essentially just primally responsive disfavored beings who if given the freedom will abuse based on the impulses the god's push them into. Whereas under pre-arranged marriage this behavior was contained now the promiscuous fraternity house epitomizes the pinnicle of what a "real man" should be like. And sadly the women fall into line.
We all need to stop believing the lie. Contrary to belief participating won't buy us anything.
The voices in ALL our heads IS god, the technology they invented and use to control the universe and everyone in it.
Until we stop participating in the lie they will have control over us. The truth is only children go to heaven. It is very noticable; You will know your child is on a spiritual journey. And when people fail we all have to die and be reincarnated::::We're all coming back.
Compelling people to believe "the lie" allows the gods to get away with behavior like the Conneticut shool shooting with no reprocussions. So many people with gross disfavor, like men, believe "the lie" is evil, and by being evil in their lives they are "earning" their way into heaven.
Understanding the rejecting "the lie" would result in vulnerability and fear, thinking the right way important for a legitimate chance to ascend in a future life.
Note the gods created elements which progressively tried to defeat this fear:::Xtian god, USA, democracy, union membership, affluence, stability.
I shared the importance of thinking the right way. Understanding the gods did this can assist in this capacity.
Clearly those who buy "the lie" would be men, most of whom are preditors who believe they are "earning", and masculinized women.
I don't want to judge but these teachers appeared effeminate, a clue "god is evil" and "evil earns for you" hasn't yet been employed due to their favor.
Very similarly, hurting the disfavored to motivate to pray isn't the only tactic the gods use. Many morbidly disfavored regions like the Meditereanean never experienced enlightenment but truely there are regions which enjoy this path and subsequent impressive numbers, far more than even those Jews in Egypt slavery "enjoyed".
Realize as time progresses and the enviornment becomes more disfavored fewer people enjoy the positive path and fewer even female charecteristics. 20th century developments like equal rights (workplace) for women made great advances towards the masculinization of women, yet another example of how the gods used liberalism to promote social decay.
Fuck the god's irresponsible use of their power - Sandy Hook.
Sick monsters.